We are deeply committed to protecting the environment and the climate on many levels. On the one hand, we are aware that our activities affect the environment. Which is why we have undertaken, within the realms of our possibilities, to minimise as far as possible our impact and the use of energy by employing carefully considered reducing processes to an absolute minimum. On the other hand, we are developing and producing innovative special paper products , that are taking it to their plastic counterparts. By doing so, we are making a vital contribution to protecting the environment. An example in point: Our sustainable barrier paper for the food and packaging industries. These are made entirely (100%) of renewable raw materials and completely recyclable. As such, they are a true, environmentally-friendly alternative to all types of plastic packaging.
We are aware that, as a manufacturer of special paper, we operate in an energy-intensive industry. This awareness constantly drives us to go about our energy consumption in the most environmentally sensitive way possible. Back in 2020, we succeeded in largely eliminating the use of fossil fuels in our in-house power plant and replacing them with scrap wood, a more climate-friendly biomass. As a result, we were able to drastically lower our annual carbon emissions. Our power plant produces all of the steam (100 percent) needed to run the paper machines entirely on its own. Above and beyond this, we also procure 50 % of our energy requirements from our in-house energy production.
The operational implementation of our energy policy is in the hands of our energy team. The team – with the active inclusion of every employee – coordinates all of the activities involved in improving our energy efficiency. Energy flows are systematically recorded and evaluated throughout in order to immediately deduce where potential energy saving measures can be found and implemented. This occurs with the active inclusion of every employee, because each individual at the company strives to help conserve our natural surroundings and preserve the future.
The water needed to produce our paper is drawn from the Nette, a tributary of the river Hase, which flows directly past our company. We respect and preserve the Hase, because it is not just a key, protectable resource for us alone. Since the 1960s, our engineers have consistently refined the water filtering system. Even back then, they designed a two-stage filter system, which removed suspended particles from the water and let them accumulate as sediment. Through constant further development, ultramodern technology and a full-fledge environmental management system, we have succeeded in significantly lowering our water consumption in recent decades. We check all wastewater readings in-house on a daily basis. Unannounced, external audits are conducted every month. While we’re on the subject: some experts say that the water we return to the river Hase is cleaner than what we initially removed.
KÄMMERER produces all of its paper exclusively on the basis of FSC®- and/or PEFC-certified raw materials. FSC® and PEFC are two seals of quality certifying that the timber has been sustainably resourced. As a result, they also draw a distinctive line for our customers between this and wood originating from dubious sources. By adhering to these two certifications, we are also demonstrating our commitment not to use raw materials derived from illegal logging or timber from genetically modified trees. Needless to say, we never use raw materials originating from regions where human rights are not respected. What’s more, we never use timber that has a high conservation value from non-certified mature forests.
We will continue to rely on alternative energy supply means in the future and will spare no trouble or expense in embarking on new paths where this is concerned. We want to continue to conserve our resources and will leave no stone unturned in order to achieve an exceptionally high degree of sustainability and the smallest carbon footprint possible at our company. With the assistance of external experts, we will pursue an intensive green and digital transformation as we move towards climate neutrality. This includes long-term, extensive investments into modernising and digitalising our machinery and processes. Because only through the serious, unwavering efforts of all concerned at every level will we be able to make a major contribution to protecting the climate.